Hunting Policies and Regulations
Release of Liability Form | Hunting Log
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the blind.
- A deposit must be received to reserve hunts. This is non-refundable.
- All shots are to be accounted for (this means if you shot at
an animal you must inform us upon pick up even if you failed to
locate or harvest the animal).
- All hunters must have a valid Texas Hunting License. All deer
will be tagged with MLD permits. No tag off your license is needed.
- A wounded animal is considered a kill. If blood is drawn or
tissue is found, it is considered a kill. Every effort will be made
to help you locate it.
- All guns must be unloaded while on the premises, unless
in a hunting blind.
- Guns will be loaded once inside the blind, and will be unloaded
prior to exiting the blind.
- Exception: Hunting a wounded deer.
- No black powder guns and no pistols will be allowed.
- Personal vehicles are limited to camp only.
- All hunting will be done from blinds.
- Video cameras are allowed in the stands, but please keep in
mind, you are there to hunt.
- Night hunting is forbidden.
- Hunters cannot cross any high fence. Hunters are responsible
for the initial search and location of their respective animals.
- No all-terrain vehicles are allowed on the
- Littering is prohibited. Trash, game hides, feathers etc. must
be disposed of as per instructions received during orientation.
(No field dressing)
- All gates must be left the way they were found. Open- Open,
Closed- Closed.
- Please stay in hunting blinds until you have shot. Once you
have shot, please get out and locate harvested animal, then return
to blind.
- Except to locate your deer, please stay in the blind from
drop-off to pick-up.
- When sitting in the blind, please keep all items, including
your body, behind the plane of the side windows. (This will keep
the deer from sky lighting your movements, resulting in a more beneficial
- Upon arrival back at camp, all deer will need to be logged in, meaning: weighed, measured,
aged, tagged, etc.
- A complimentary skinning facility is located behind the cabins,
as well as a walk-in cooler. You’re welcome to use this facility,
however, you are responsible for leaving it in a clean and orderly
- Violation of any rule may result in immediate expulsion
from the ranch and deposit forfeiture.